Town Planning FAQs

Urban Planning / Town Planning Frequently Asked Questions and how Elevate can help you.

Frequently Asked Questions

An urban planner or town planner works to assess your development idea and plan and provides you with planning advice.  

Urban planners work closely with local councils to ensure compliance with the Planning Scheme, which is the council’s rules and regulations for development.  We have a deep understanding of council’s requirements, enabling us to develop reports and strategies that will ensure the approval of your proposed development.

Whenever you have a development idea, contact a reputable urban planning firm. Regardless of whether you want to do something small, like put in a house extension, or large scale, such as a sixty-storey mixed-use apartment building, an urban planning company can quickly identify any compliance issues with the Planning Scheme. If issues are identified, the urban planner will use their knowledge and experience to help improve your proposal’s chances of success.

The length of the approval process depends on several factors. The local council, the project development type, the location of the property, who examines your application, and the quality of your urban planning firm all play role in determining the approval timeframe. While we can’t guarantee a set timeframe for approval, we do promise to be faster than our competitors.

The best urban planning firms should meet the following criteria:

  • Be problem solvers, solution-focused, tactical thinkers and add value to your development.
  • Be able to identify and resolve issues quickly, creating outcome-based solutions to save you time and money.
  • Responsive, ethical and always have a high level of professionalism.
  • Work to their client’s vision and best interests and not their own.
    Previous experience working with your local council.
  • Previous experience working within Local or State Government.
  • Experience in getting approval for similar development projects.
  • Strong and established network of government and industry contacts and connections.


If you are unsure whether you need a town planner, then it doesn’t hurt to contact EDS and discuss your project. Book a free consultation or email us via [email protected].