Project Management

Providing expertise at all stages of your property project.
The team at Elevate have expert insight and property development specific project management qualifications.
Property Development Consultant

Property Project Management Services

Our qualifications are nationally recognised by the Australian Institute of Project Management and provide our team with project management skills unique to the property development industry. The Elevate project management package covers management of each project stage from inception through to completion, including design, consultants and approvals.

This allows you to easily track your development budget and actual costs to give you an accurate picture of the development’s progression.

Three things you should know when hiring a Property Development Project Manager

A property development project manager manages the development on behalf of the project owner.

  • They appoint and/or coordinate a team of development industry professionals, such as town planners, architects, builders, surveyors, and engineers.

Property development is complex, requiring specialist knowledge of Council requirements, zoning, building codes, and other regulations.  A successful development project requires someone who not only has specialist knowledge in these areas but is also able to understand the whole picture and how various aspects of the project might impact on one another.

Why hire a property development project manager?

  • Save you time and money
  • Help you avoid disputes
  • Take the stress out of your project.

This is particularly the case if you’re new to property development, but even seasoned property developers will rely on the expertise of a project manager to ensure their development runs smoothly.

Typically, a project manager will assist the property developer to perform the following:

  • Conceptualise the project
  • Determine feasibility
  • Get development approval
  • Coordinate the development
  • Assist with the leasing and selling of the development. 

How they assist

  • Helps the developer to clarify their goals in terms of the relationship between time, cost, and quality.  For instance, sufficient time and money can ensure a high-quality development, but where money or time are limited, this may put constraints on quality. 

The job of the property development project manager is to minimise the impact of constraints on other aspects of the project.

  • Assumes responsibility for quality assurance at every stage of the project.  This is particularly important, as it ensures the builder is adhering to the specifications of the building contract and that the conditions of the DA are being met.
  • Manage the team that will make your project successful.  Good leadership, diplomacy, and patience are essential skills of a good property development project manager.  They’ll be required to tactfully negotiate between stakeholders to enable everyone to work together for a smooth development.

It’s important to seek out the services of project manager with proven experience. 

Qualities your Project Manager needs to have:

  • Technically competent
  • Exceptional people and communication skills
  • Ability to adopt a whole of project approach
  • An appropriate project management qualification, which may vary depending on your state or territory.

Project Management Projects

Elevate have worked with a wide range of clients to deliver property development Project Management services. Here’s a sample of our work:

Looking for Experienced Property Project Managers?

Let Elevate manage your project from inception to construction. Expert Gold Coast Urban Planning Project Managers.